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Canada Post Update

As of Tuesday December 17th 2024, Canada Post will restart delivery.

Convert your current security system into an interactive smart system by a simple upgrade.


Palladium Security offers payment options such as credit card and e-transfer
Online payment options are available. CLICK HERE

For the security of our clients

When processing a payment, our portal will direct our clients to a secure third party payment processing gateway.  The processing gateway will securly process the payments while not storeing the data within this website.

If you are currently a Palladium customer and you would like access to your private portal, just fill in the form below and a Palladium representative will contact you when your portal is ready.

Business or Client Name is required
Contact Name is required
Invalid Email, proper format "name@something.com" Email is required
Street number and street name
Mailing Address is required
City is required
Province is required
Postal Code is required

Username is required
Password is required
Confirm Password is required

>> HINT: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
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Privacy Policy is required